Pianist, keyboarder, analog electronics. Concert graduate SMPV at Urs Peter Schneider in Bern. Hammond- and church organ based on autodidact learning. Classical repertoire (the two Vienna schools, Debussy, Scrjabin, Hauer) and contemporary works by famous international and swiss composers, swiss first performances of works by Sam Hayden, David Dramm, Werner M. Grimmel, Olga Diener a.o. Free music and interdisciplinary projects in several groups: Since 1995 with Steamboat Switzerland where all musical experiences meet and several compositions have been committed, since 2003 with the georgian pianist Tamriko Kordzaia (www.kordzaia-blum.com). Since 2005 new border experiences with the noise grind trio AZEOTROP (on my space). 2000 first release of solo piano works by the swiss avantgarde composer Hermann Meier. 2008 BOR - performance project together with Barbara Balba Weber. Tours in Europe, China, Russia, USA, Canada, Southern America. Composer of open musical concepts (music one, two, three, The Peacemaker a.o.). Teaches piano and gives workshops for experimental music. Performances at many recent international Jazzfestivals and Festivals for New Music. 1998 cultural price of the city of Winterthur, 2001 price of cultural foundation Winterthur. 2000 «Werkjahr» of the city of Zurich (with Steamboat Switzerland).
Hermann Meier: «works for piano solo», 2001 Edition Wandelweiser, Berlin; EWR 0001
Steamboat Switzerland:
- GOOMR, 2009 Grob 961
- Wertmüller
- «live» , 1999 Unit Records; UTR 4104
- «AC/dB (Hayden)», 2001 GROB, Köln
- «Budapest», 2001 GROB, Köln
- «Unknown Song/Zone», 2001 GROB und
Moon Records, Zürich
- «Wertmüller», 2003 GROB, Köln
- «Zone 2», 2007 GROB, Köln
The Carillo 1/16 Tone Piano (Werke für Sechzehnteltonklavier), 2003, Edition Zeitklang, Berlin; ez14016
Raving Song System:
- «Vol. 1» , 2005 Moon Records Zürich
- Bock , 2014
- Demo-CD , 2005
- psychedelic free pulse , 2006