Alex Riva, recorder
Dominik Blum, korg ms 20 analog synthesizer
Irlumb play their music machines, the good old Korg MS 20 and the good old recorder, sometimes with Wah-Wah, sometimes without, sometimes distorted, sometimes straight and in general, how it strikes them at the moment. In free improvisation the raw materials of the created sounds collide head on, in order to devour themselves as a finely chiselled fury in higher and higher spheres. A listening event containing myriads of surprises of all different sorts; or to say it in the good old words of Rafael Alberti: „Angeles malos o buenos, / que no sé, / te arrojaron en mi alma.“ (Good or evil Angels / I don't know which, / smashed you into my soul)
English Translation: Kit Powell
listen to: «irlumb»
» youtube 1
» youtube 2